Online Classes

We are currently offering our classes via live stream so that you can begin or continue your practice and connect with the Yoga For Living community.

You will find all of our current online classes below. We're using Zoom to provide the online connection through video conferencing. Rest assured that It's super easy to use, particularly once you have gone through the first-time set up.

You can get more information about how to go about it on our Zoom Connect page.

Please Note

When you book an online class through the Buy Now button or your Class Card we will send you an e-mail to confirm your purchase and give you the joining details for the class. It should arrive within a few minutes of completing your purchase.

If it does not then please first check your spam/junk-mail folder. You may need to mark our e-mails as not-spam and/or add us to your white list. If you still cannot find it then please Contact Us or . Please provide the class and date details.

Which classes are you interested in?

All classes welcoming for all levels.

Photograph of instructor Rhonda Leone Image of Svaroopa Yoga Pose

Sat Mar 29th

Mon Mar 31st

Svaroopa Yoga with Rhonda Leone

Ongoing Monday and Saturday Classes

Saturday March 29, 9:30am–11am.
Price: $18 or YFL class card. Book with class card here.

Monday March 31, 10am–11:30am.
Price: $18 or YFL class card. Book with class card here.

Sat Mar 29th

Mon Mar 31st

“Svaroopa®” is pronounced “svah-roo-pah”. The word comes from the ancient yoga text called Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. “Svaroopa®” means your true self. “Svaroopa®” Yoga is one of the primary styles of hatha yoga in America known for its compassionate approach to practicing yoga for each person’s unique body, making it available for beginners through experienced yogis.

Not just a physical practice for the body, “Svaroopa®” Yoga allows your mind as well as your body to decompress and unwind, offering a powerful tool to improve mental clarity, focus and calmness.

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Each class begins in Shavasana (yoga's relaxation pose), with a guided body awareness followed by a breathing practice that boost the immune system, while calming the nervous system, preparing you for a slow-mindful yoga practice. Each yoga pose has been carefully selected in sequence to provide you with a safe reliable release of core tension. Step by step instructions along with selected propping for each unique body is used for a yoga experience that is effective and reliable. Each class ends with a deep relaxation to integrating the benefits of your practice. The benefits of each class are immediately felt but the accumulative effect of each practice has a lasting effect on all levels, mind, body and more.

More than ever, slow, mindful Svaroopa® yoga is helping us to heal. And that's because these slow, mindful practices train your nervous system to:

  • Build resilience
  • Adapt to stressors
  • Develop greater patience
  • Improve overall health and well-being
  • Let go of fear and anxieties

A few things to know about the practice. The emphasis is on releasing tensions in the core of your body. We use the yoga poses to target these specific tight areas from the bottom to the top of your spine, making it very beneficial for people with back and hip tension or discomfort, neck, shoulder or body stiffness, those experiencing stress, and for beginner or experienced yogis that want to gain the physical, mental and spiritual benefits from this unique practice.

Please note: Women in their first trimester of pregnancy or students with an organ transplant should contact Rhonda before starting a Svaroopa® Yoga practice.

What props do I need?

  • Folding chair, regular chair without arms is best, or ottoman
  • Blankets and/or pillows
  • A clear wall or door in the room
  • Yoga blankets (3-5 if you have them)
  • One pair of yoga blocks
  • A yoga strap, belt, or a scarf

If you don't have these props you can improvise… we'll be creative.

To get started you can purchase a single drop in class or one of our class cards. Login in to your first class 10 minutes early so I can help you set up your camera and propping. Private Zoom sessions with me are also available.

If you are new to Yoga for Living we have a special offer for you! Purchase your first three-class for just $30. This special can be used for any weekly class on the schedule (excludes special events). All three classes must be used within one month of the first class. Please contact us or call (856) 404-7287 to take advantage of this special offer, or for any questions on starting a Svaroopa® Yoga practice.

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Photograph of instructor Rosemary Watkins

Wed Mar 26th

Fri Mar 28th

Hatha Yoga with Rosemary Watkins

Ongoing Wednesday and Friday Classes

Wednesday March 26, 9:30am–10:30am.
Price: $16 or YFL class card. Book with class card here.

Friday March 28, 5:15pm–6:15pm.
Price: $16 or YFL class card. Book with class card here.

Wed Mar 26th

Fri Mar 28th

In this class, postures are practiced to bring balance, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body and mind while connecting to the full practices of yoga.

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As we make a full circuit of the body's range of motion with standing postures, twists, backbends, forward folds, and hip openers, everybody can benefit from this well rounded practice. Class ends with Savasana for deep relaxation.

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Photograph of instructor Rhonda Leone Image of Chair Yoga

Mon Mar 31st

Chair Yoga with Rhonda Leone

Ongoing Monday Class

Monday March 31, 2:30pm–3:30pm.
Price: $16 or YFL class card. Book with class card here.

Mon Mar 31st

Join us for this special class designed to honor your body with good self care, love and acceptance of just where you are.

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This Body Wisdom Yoga class is for Everyone!

  • Whether you have physical limitations or perfect health.
  • All encompassing: breath work, asanas for opening space, strength, balance and rest
  • Designed for your self-care: you will have a chance to listen to the wisdom of your body, mind, heart and breath.

Some of the Benefits:

  • Increase Circulation, Strengthens Muscles
  • Increases Flexibility, Lubricates Joints
  • Improves Balance, Eliminates Toxins
  • Improves Concentration- Calms Mind
  • Promotes the Relaxation Response

Come to one of the classes or, for maximum benefit, the whole series.

Registration in advance is suggested.

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Photograph of instructor Karen Siugzda

'Laughter Wellness with Karen' on You Oughta Know

Laughter Yoga with Karen Siugzda

Ongoing Monthly Classes

Wednesday April 9, 7pm–7:30pm.
Price: $Free
Join the meeting: here.

What is Laughter Yoga?

Laughter Yoga is not Yoga Poses. It's the yoga of breath and moving energy. It promotes healing and having more fun through laughter. So it is available to everybody. You can participate even in a chair.

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Laughter Yoga is simple yet profound. It's joyful and healthy exercise that combines unconditional laughter with yogic breathing.

It is not comedy. You don't need to be flexible or funny! It's a complete well-being workout! Come experience the wonderful benefits!

  • Laughter releases endorphins, giving us the “feel good factor”
  • Acts as aerobic exercise and cardio workout
  • Unleashes inhibitions, breaks down barriers
  • Great team building tool, encourages better communication
  • Helps boost our immune system which helps us resist disease
  • Tones muscles, improves respiration and circulation
  • Encourages positive thinking and creativity
  • Reduces physical, mental and emotional stress

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Deep Relaxation Guided Practice with Rhonda Leone

$Free 24/7

Better than a power nap, this guided relaxation with leave you feeling focused, refreshed, and calm.

Try it in the morning to start your day in the present moment, or at lunch for a “pick me up” to get through the day less sluggish, or ending the day with this practice will help prepare your mind and body for a good night's rest.

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Be gently guided through a conscious awareness practice while lying fully supported. The floor is best but if this is not available for you the practice can also be done sitting in a chair or lying in bed. Some optional breathing practice will be offered to support healing the nervous system (taking us out of the body's fight or flight mode) and boosting the immune system.

As you become more relaxed your body temperature may drop slightly so you may want a coverand possibly a pillow or propping for under the knees to support any lower back tensions.

In less than 30 minutes feel the tensions and stress melt away as you take time for your wellbeing.

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Crystal Bowls Deep Relaxation with Shalini Breault


Take 30 minutes for yourself, and relax to the soothing, pure tones of singing Crystal Bowls.

Mindfulness For Beginners, Four-week Course with Rhonda Leone

Online: Next course date to be announced soon.

Life is full of twists and turns. Meditation can help you find focus and clarity for the road ahead. If you would like to learn more about mindfulness and how to begin or deepen your commitment to a meditation practice this is the course for you.

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You will learn the following basics in these four weeks:

  • What mindfulness is and isn’t and how mindfulness practice can benefit you
  • How living in "automatic pilot" mode affects your life and how to become more present
  • Practices to stabilize your attention
  • Practices to manage difficult situations and emotions
  • Practices to incorporate into daily living
  • How to interrupt rumination about the past and worry about the future
  • How to manage through stressful or anxious times
  • How to “be with” challenging physical sensations and our busy minds.
  • Practices to cultivate compassion towards self and others.

Each class will include:

  • A guided meditation
  • Instruction
  • Group discussion
  • Valuable tools to start implementing the practices right away.

A commitment to the four weeks to gain the most benefit is highly suggested.

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