Book With Class Card

Hatha Yoga with Rosemary Watkins

Ongoing Wednesday and Friday Classes

Online: Friday April 4, 5:15pm–6:15pm

In this class, postures are practiced to bring balance, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body and mind while connecting to the full practices of yoga.

If you do not have a class card password:

If this is your first time booking a class with your class card, please supply your details in the form below.
Leave the password field blank.

We will e-mail you the information for joining this online class on Zoom. You will also receive the password to use to register for future classes.

If you already have a password:

Please enter your password in the form below to confirm your booking.
We will send you an e-mail with the details for joining the class.


Book With Class Card

Please complete the details below. Mandatory fields are marked *.
If you do not have a password yet then please leave that field blank.


If you do not have a YFL class card and wish to attend this class then please book your class by using the Buy Now button below. There you can pay either by PayPal or by credit card. You do not need to have a PayPal account to use PayPal.

If you would like to purchase a class card then please go to our Prices and Etiquette page.

Hatha Yoga with Rosemary Watkins

Ongoing Wednesday and Friday Classes

Online: Friday April 4, 5:15pm–6:15pm

Fri Apr 4th

In this class, postures are practiced to bring balance, strengthen and promote flexibility in the body and mind while connecting to the full practices of yoga.

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