Therapies and Treatments

Yoga for Living has a variety of therapies and treatments available that support improving or maintaining good health and well-being.

Each session is tailored to your specific needs. Our highly trained staff is experienced in dealing with a variety of health problems, structure and postural issues, as well as the stresses and strains of a daily, busy life and a variety of other conditions.

Ayurveda, which literally means “knowledge of life and longevity”, is the traditional medicine of India and originated there over 5,000 years ago. It is an effective path to awakening our inner wisdom that heals, transforms and prompts universal peace. Ayurveda emphasizes re-establishing balance in the body through diet, lifestyle, yoga and body cleansing. It brings health of the mind, body and spirit.

Yoga for Living is honored to offer the following in support, to awaken this knowledge that is already within you.

To find out more or to schedule your private consultation/session please contact us or call Rhonda on (856) 404-7287.

Private Yoga Instruction

A one-on-one session to address your individual needs. Receive support in designing your home practice, learning breathing techniques, meditation, or relaxation practices to enhance your well-being. This is also ideal if you are a new student unsure of your level of function for participating in a yoga class.

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$60 / 1 hour.

Please contact us or call Rhonda on (856) 404-7287 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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Yoga Therapy

Uses carefully selected supported poses to create deep, long lasting changes in the body. This therapy is designed specifically for your personal needs. With the use of props and hands-on alignments and adjustments, a deep state of relaxation can be achieved that calms the mind and supports self healing. Ideal for students wanting to go deeper in their practice or experiencing physical challenges.

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$60 / 1 hour.

Please contact us or call Rhonda on (856) 404-7287 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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Yoga for Back Care with Yoga Therapist Rhonda Leone

This private session uses gentle and supported yoga postures specifically selected for you to unwind tensions and tightness in your body that cause misalignment and compression of the spine, one of the major causes of back pain.

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This release of tension provides relief from back and hip pain, increase flexibility in the body, and improves circulation, increase energy and improve digestion while calming the stress of life and tapping into your inner peace.

$60 / 1 hour.

Please contact us or call Rhonda on (856) 404-7287 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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Ayurveda Treatments

What is Ayurveda?

Thousands of years before modern medicine provided scientific evidence for the mind-body connection, the sages of India developed Ayurveda, which continues to be one of the world's most sophisticated and powerful mind-body health systems. More than a system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge). It offers a body of wisdom designed to help people stay vibrant and healthy while realizing their full human potential.

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The two main guiding principles of Ayurveda are the mind and the body are inextricably connected and that nothing has more power to heal and transform the body than the mind. Freedom from illness depends upon expanding our own awareness, bringing it into balance and then extending that balance to the body. This process isn’t as complicated as it may sound. For example, when you deeply relax into a meditative state you effortlessly enter a state of expanded awareness and inner quiet that refreshes the mind and restores balance. Since the mind and body are inseparable, the body is naturally balanced through the practice of deep relaxation. In this deep state of rest, your heart rate and breath slow, your body decreases the production of “stress” hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, and you increase the production of neurotransmitters that enhance well-being, including serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins.

Ayurveda Treatments

Starting with a personal initial consultation to determine your Ayurvedic needs for balancing the mind and body, a treatment will be designed just for you to bring harmonious balance. Treatments are often combined to your individual needs that promote healing, cleansing and relaxation. Each treatment is given in the spirit and intention of sadhana (spiritual practice), creating a scared space for you.

Hot Ginger Compress–Nourishment for the body and mind. Starting with a warm oil application to marma points in the back, hot compress are applied to the lower spine and kidney area that has been specially prepared with organic ginger. It is nourishing and supportive to the kidneys and relives tensions in the lower back. A dispersion of toxins from tense and knotted muscles allows for improved blood circulation. This special treatment is very soothing to the nervous system promoting deep relaxation.

Hip Massage–Specialized for women to release “issues” we store in our hips. Improves circulation and releases tensions. It can be combined with other Ayurveda treatments to restore balance.

Marma Therapy and Energy Balancing–A treatment that focuses on opening and balancing energy flow according to the Indian energy system. Marmas are points, similar to acupressure points in the body where concentrated life force energy is located. They are part of the chakra, nadi, srota system of Yoga. This balancing treatment focused on releasing energy blocks in the body and mind. Using essential oils or specially prepared herbed oils, marma points are gently massaged to balance the flow of energy. Marma therapy is tailored to your individual dosha balancing needs.

Shirobhyanga–Head Massage–a wonderful and beneficial treatment for de-stressing the whole body increasing of the flow of cerebro-spinal fluids, thus strengthening the nervous system. Detoxes congested muscles and helps oxygenate the brain. Helpful against eyestrain, tinnitus, jaw ache and sinusitis, stimulates lymphatic drainage and aids sleep.

Hastabhyanga–Hand Massage–there are 11 important 'Marma' or energy points in the hands and arms relating to the rest of the body. This calming and soothing Ayurvedic treatment uses warm Ayurvedic herbal oils and preparations to revitalize, relax and harmonize not only the hands but the entire body.

Padabhyanga–Foot Massage–Feet are very important part in our body, as many nerves from many organs terminate in the feet as well as marmas (Ayurvedic pressure points). Massage helps to strengthen these nerves and restores health to many parts of the body. The marma (vital) points are massaged which gives balance to your dosha and is very helpful for people with insomnia, fatigue and cramps. Calms the mind and improves circulation.

Chakra Balancing–There are 7 main energy centers in the body, known as chakras. Each chakra is located throughout our body that correlates to specific body ailment and physical dysfunctions; each energy center also houses our mental and emotional strengths. When we have a physical issue, it creates weaknesses in our emotional behavior. Releasing the stale energy from the body, can undo any tightness, stiffness, or malfunction of that area which allows for a feeling of being grounded, secure and balanced on all levels.

Please contact us or call Rhonda on (856) 404-7287 to schedule your personalized session and to discuss your individual needs.

$70 / 1 hour treatment.

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Ayurvedic Energy Balancing (Marma) Treatment and Ginger Compress

This treatment focuses on opening and balancing energy flow according to the Indian energy system. Marma points, similar to acupressure points, are stimulated with herbal oil, followed by a series of ginger compresses to the lower spine and kidney area of the spine. For women a special hip massage is included.

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Nourishment for the body and mind, this treatment is also great for low back pain, sciatica, detoxification of the kidneys, stress relief and calming the vata and nervous system.

$70 / 1 hour treatment.

Please contact us or call Rhonda on (856) 404-7287 for more information or to schedule your personal treatment.

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Embodyment Therapy

A hands-on gentle yet effective therapy that releases tensions in the core of the muscular structure, cultivating a deep state of relaxation which facilitates your body's capacity to de-stress and heal.

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Emobdyment can relieve back, neck and shoulder tensions, sciatica and spinal compression as well as chronic conditions,fatigue and other conditions that create imbalance in the mind and body.

It is well-suited to those with injuries or chronic pain, recovering from cancer and for those in good health who want to take the next step toward optimum well-being.

$60 / 1 hour.

Please contact us or call Rhonda on (856) 404-7287 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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Reiki Sessions

Modern living and daily responsibilities create a strain on the body physically, mentally and emotionally. The body sends us signals when stress builds up to unhealthy levels. We might experience insomnia, anxiety, depression, lethargy, or nervous tension. All of which create a block in our energy flow compounding the feeling of being “burned out.”

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Reiki is designed to unblock the energy flows so that the health of the body, mind and emotions are restored. Reiki is done fully clothed but is similar to massage in that it is very relaxing. The recipient lies down comfortably as the practitioner lays their hands over the various energy centers of the body. The session is performed on both the front and back of the body providing a sensation of deep peace and healing as energy flows are unblocked and restored.

$75/ 1 hour session.

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To find out more about any of our therapies or treatments, or to schedule your private consultation/session please contact us or call Rhonda on (856) 404-7287.

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