Mindfulness Meditation

We are currently offering our classes via live stream so that you can begin or continue your practice and connect with the Yoga For Living community.

Classes welcoming for all levels.

Mindfulness For Beginners, Four-week Course with Rhonda Leone

Online: Next course date to be announced soon.

Life is full of twists and turns. Meditation can help you find focus and clarity for the road ahead. If you would like to learn more about mindfulness and how to begin or deepen your commitment to a meditation practice this is the course for you.

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You will learn the following basics in these four weeks:

  • What mindfulness is and isn’t and how mindfulness practice can benefit you
  • How living in "automatic pilot" mode affects your life and how to become more present
  • Practices to stabilize your attention
  • Practices to manage difficult situations and emotions
  • Practices to incorporate into daily living
  • How to interrupt rumination about the past and worry about the future
  • How to manage through stressful or anxious times
  • How to “be with” challenging physical sensations and our busy minds.
  • Practices to cultivate compassion towards self and others.

Each class will include:

  • A guided meditation
  • Instruction
  • Group discussion
  • Valuable tools to start implementing the practices right away.

A commitment to the four weeks to gain the most benefit is highly suggested.

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The Power of Silence… A Women's Retreat with Rhonda Leone

The date of the next retreat will be announced soon. Please call (856) 404-7287 or send us a message through our Contact Us form to express your interest. We'll let you know when the next one is scheduled.

Finding a quiet space in which to retreat is almost impossible in this world. It is critical for our overall well-being to immerse into a place of silence, often and without guilt, on a regular basis. Only in the silence can we discover the secrets of our true inner knowing.

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Bask in the space of quietude as we create the Silent Space in which participants can immerse themselves through the grassroots rituals of Ayurveda for Women's Health.

  • Be nurtured with a therapeutic Ayurvedic treatment
  • Serene yoga studio filled with Beauty and Silence
  • Private sanctuary spaces for rest and quiet
  • No talking, no videos, no sounds of traffic, no cell phones, no iPods or Blackberries
  • Therapists maintain silence in the application of Ayurvedic treatments and participants choose from a variety of healing stations to process and discover the power of silence through contemplation, meditation, journaling, resting in relaxation, art therapy or writing
  • Herbal teas and nourishing food offered in Silent Conscious Eating experiences
  • Learn practices that tap into your own inner power to heal


  • “After 4 hours of Pure 'Love Therapy' from Rhonda, I feel completely rebalanced and rejuvenated. I have been reintroduced to the me who Loves Life and being in the world.” — Rose Payne
  • “I loved the no talking. It forced me to take the time I needed and reflect. This is a wonderful practice that I will continue.”
  • “What an incredible day!!! It was just what I needed. The past few weeks have been pretty difficult for me. At times I felt like it was me against the world. I felt a major melt down coming. Today reminded me to take time out for myself. I too need the nurturing that I am always giving to my family and others in need. If I give a little to myself I will have a lot more to give to others.”
  • More on the Testimonials page.

These special workshops are offered by therapist Rhonda Leone, Ayurvedic Panchakarma Therapist from Greens Ayur Center, School of Ayurveda, India; Certified Ayurveda Womens Health instructors, Wise Earth Ayurveda®.

A contribution will be made to the efforts of One Square Inch to keep preserving Silence in America's diminishing natural space.

Class size is limited to six women so please contact us, call (856) 404-7287 to register in advance and reserve your place or Buy Now online through PayPal.

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